Many people across our region interact with many different health and care services, which are delivered by numerous organisations. People may have different pieces of information about their care held in the Health Board, council (for instance social services and education) and the third sector.

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board (RPB) have recognised that to deliver integrated services, as called for in the Future Generations Act (Wales), organisations need to be able to easily share information in a way that is simple to use and complies with data protection laws. On a Wales-wide basis the National Data Resources (NDR) has worked to allow for care records to become shareable across teams, so care record can move across our many e-record platforms.
Here in the Cardiff and Vale Health and Care region, we have taken our first steps towards ensuring teams will be able to share information. We tested this within Looked after Children/Children Looked After (LAC/CLA). In January 2022, Cardiff Local Authority LAC/CLA provision was linked with to the LAC/CLA healthcare team within CAV UHB to allow care records to flow between existing IT/care records. This was a pilot project for more significant works to come in 2022 and beyond, as we increasingly become a region that can make the most of digital developments.
We are working together to create a Digital Care Region to support informed care and ensure relevant and agreed information is available across organisations.