Anna’s story


Anna’s Story

Anna volunteered in the past but had to stop due to poor physical health. She suffered a breakdown in recent years and when lockdown began, Anna felt very isolated, spending much of her time in bed. She joined the Time For You sessions and later joined the Wellbeing Café activities.

“It’s the greatest find of lockdown and it’s been so nice to have these interactions with other people.  Due to severe pain, I have sometimes been unable to move from the sofa. The online groups were helpful as a source of enjoyment and connection during these times. The sessions gave structure to my week and helped me keep track of the days, giving me a reason to get up in the morning.

“If I had not had the groups to focus on maybe I would have been at risk of a second breakdown from being at home and not having contact with people other than my husband, and the friends I speak to on the phone.” 

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