The pilot, launched on November 5th will test if we can improve the support offered to children and families while they are waiting for an assessment by sharing Health system information with partners in local authority teams who can offer some pre-diagnostic interventions to families.
The Summary Care Viewer for children with ND is an application that gives professionals in Cardiff or Vale of Glamorgan Councils access to Health Board information to help improve the support offer for families while they are waiting for diagnostic assessment.
It began as part of the Early Years Integration Transformation Programme (EYITP) and was adopted by the Digital Care Region (DCR), with support from the Regional Partnership Board (RPB), when the funding for the EYITP came to an end.
We wanted to understand: “What is the most prudent use of the planning and resources within our system to best meet the needs of this child and their family/ carers in the right way, at the right time, and prevent escalation, distress or avoidable crisis”
Staff from Early Help teams in both local authorities and some members of the ND team in Cardiff and Vale Health Board have volunteered for the pilot, been provided with accounts so they can log in and have received training from the DCR team.
The DCR and RPB teams will work with them to understand their experiences of using and learn from their recommendations on any improvements that can be made.
(Please note the information in the image is fictitious and not representative of any individual)
We will also be working with the pilot group to understand if this is improving the support children and families receive while waiting for a diagnostic assessment.
(Please note that the information in the image is fictitious and not representative of an individual)