Publication of Annual Report 2021-22 and Social Value Report 2019-22 

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board is pleased to be able to share our work in 2021-22, as well as our progress developing social value over the last three years. Whilst the last year saw significant challenges for our population and partners, together we have continued to help people in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan live the best lives they can. 

These reports highlight just some of the work that the Regional Partnership Board has delivered to improve the lives of people living in Cardiff and the Vale, including by our three partnerships – Starting Well, Living Well and Ageing Well, and the workstreams that underpin our work, which include commissioning, developing our workforce and working together to share information.  

We also take the opportunity to look ahead and share our ambitions and priorities in the years ahead. These include

Starting Well:  

  • Accelerating our work on emotional health and wellbeing for children and young people, in particular with the delivery of new secure accommodation to aid ongoing care and support following a hospital stay; 
  • Strengthening our focus on planning care and support for young people with learning disabilities. 

Living Well: 

  • Creating and delivering an Unpaid Carers Charter to help raise awareness of available support; 
  • Strengthening our focus upon service planning and delivery for people with learning disabilities; 
  • Publication of a Cardiff and Vale Regional Disability Strategy for Infants, Children and Young People 
  • Embedding our code of practice for people with Autism; 
  • Building plans and the right governance structure to support work to meet the needs of other key priority groups to live well in their communities. 

Ageing Well: 

  • Continuing delivery of the @Home programme with specific acceleration of Access, Intermediate Care, Cluster development, Health and Wellbeing Centres and Vale Alliance plans; 
  • Delivering a revised structure to support the ongoing development of services for people with dementia and their families, focused on a refined set of outcomes following from the recent review of dementia work so far;  
  • Moving forward with work to address loneliness and isolation. 

Partnership Enablers: 

The success of this ambitious work programme will be reliant upon delivery of a number of key enablers: 

  • Outcomes monitoring: using our Regional Outcomes Framework and creating a new performance monitoring mechanism to ensure that as partners we make a tangible difference to people in our region. 
  • Social Value: Ensuring that these outcomes include a demonstration of social value and re-establishing our Social Value Forum under the leadership of the Third Sector. 
  • Supporting innovation through ongoing investment in a newly re-titled Regional Innovation Coordination Hub, spreading best practice and innovation across our region and beyond 
  • Building upon our Communications and Engagement Framework to ensure people are aware of our work and that it is informed by a rich diversity of voices and experiences  
  • Workforce: explore how to best support our workforce across the partnership, in particular around recruitment of carers 
  • Digital Enablement: Making Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan a Digital Care Region to help people access the information they need to deliver informed care 
  • Commissioning: taking forward key priorities as identified within the Market Stability Report; 
  • Capital planning: creating a new steering team to deliver a clear programme of capital priorities in line with our strategic intentioned.  
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