Membership of the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board

Cllr Ash Lister  

RPB Deputy Chair / Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Cardiff Council

Charles Janczewski

RPB Chair / Vice Chairman of the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

The main areas of focus for my role with the Health Board is to lead the Board towards providing the best possible health care services for the population we serve. This includes:

· the successful development and implementation of our long term strategy

· ensuring that the Board delivers strong performance against our operational delivery requirements with particular focus on quality of service and patient safety

· continually developing the right culture across the organisation including a very strong emphasis on staff wellbeing, equality and inclusion

· making sure that our underpinning governance arrangements are fit for purpose.

A major benefit of the Regional Partnership Board from my point of view, has been the ability to work very closely with all partner organisations to improve the range of services we provide to our population within Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan. Our very effective partnership working has allowed us to deliver creative and innovative services that would have been far more difficult for individual organisations to achieve in isolation. Co-production has been a major benefit and has been particularly beneficial during this recent period of unprecedented challenge that the Covid-19 pandemic has presented. The work of the RPB has highlighted the contributions of all of our staff and key workers who continue to provide amazing public service and compassionate care for members of our communities.”

Sam Austin

RPB Deputy Chair / Deputy Chief Executive, Llamau

Cath Doman

Director, Health and Social Care Integration, Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board

Cllr Margaret Wilkinson

Cabinet Member for Public Sector Housing and Tenant Engagement, Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cllr Eddie Williams 

Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health, Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cllr Leonora Thomson

Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Public Health & Equality, Cardiff Council

Cllr Lee Bridgeman

Cabinet Member for Housing & Communities

Professor Ceri Phillips

Vice Chair, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Lance Carver

Director of Social Services, Vale of Glamorgan Council

Sarah McGill

Corporate Director – People and Communities, Cardiff Council

Suzanne Rankin

Chief Executive, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Marie Davies

Deputy Director of Planning, Planning and Strategy, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Claire Beynon

Executive Director of Public Health, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Rachel Connor

Chief Executive Officer, Glamorgan Voluntary Service

Sheila Hendrickson-Brown

Chief Executive Officer Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC)

I am Chief Executive of Cardiff Third Sector Council – the third sector infrastructure and membership organisation for Cardiff. We are the local voluntary sector hub that offers a range of advice, information and services to support inclusive community action, citizen engagement and volunteering.

Cardiff Third Sector Council has helped champion the role of the third sector on the Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board with the aim of ensuring that people in the region see more integrated services which are easier to access and focused on what matters most to them.

Sarah Scire

Head of Service (Central) Platfform: Older People

Andrew Templeton

Group Chief Executive at YMCA Cardiff Group

Malcolm Perrett

Vice Chair, Care Forum Wales

Mike O’Brien

RPB Representative for Unpaid Carers

Helen White

Chief Executive, Taff Housing Association

Elizabeth Jones

Director of Learning and Skills, Vale of Glamorgan Council

Melanie Godfrey

Director of Education and Lifelong Learning, Cardiff Council

Chris Markall

Assistant Director of Finance CVUHB

Sarah McCarty

Director of Workforce Development and Improvement, Social Care Wales

Estelle Hitchon

Director of Partnerships and Engagement, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

Helen Williams

Observer, Llais Cymru

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