Increased living well in their own home and community


Increased living well in their own home and community

This System Level Outcome is about understanding and ensuring citizens are able to spend as much of their lives well and at home, or at least living in the community rather in institutions, and as independently as possible. It covers general health, safety, security and positive relationships with family and friends. People are healthy, stay well, make positive choices easily, and remain connected. It’s also about the amount of the citizens lives that they are living in their normal home and in their normal community. It includes, for example, ‘admission avoidance’, supporting people to gain or regain daily living skills lost from ill-health and also, that when support is provided, it can be local to the citizen as much as possible. In their last 1000 days, people have the best end to their life.

Note that this System Level Outcome could also cover ensuring that the environment
in which Citizens live their lives is the best that it can be. Environment incudes the
physical environment for mental and physical well-being, but also the
infrastructure of care and support in which people can interact.

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