Innovation Framework

The Innovation Framework was developed as part of the Innovation Strategy for Wales and is based on the real-world experiences of innovation teams in Wales over the past 10 years. It draws inspiration from existing approaches and frameworks, such as supply chain modelling, technology readiness levels and design thinking.

The NHS in Wales Innovation Framework is designed to support health and care organisations across Wales by providing guidance to inform, influence, streamline and organise their innovation efforts. It provides a structured approach to fostering, managing, and scaling innovation. It serves as a guide for systematically identifying new opportunities, generating ideas, developing new products, services, or processes, and implementing them effectively.

What does it do?

· Describes the sector, understanding who in the ecosystem can help you.

· Maps our resources, skills, and physical spaces.

· Avoids duplication.

· Identifies gaps where there is support and where we need align resources.

· Aids collaboration with industry, universities, and third sector.

· Deploys our assets to speed up innovation.

· Guides and stimulates innovation in health boards.

· Provides a common framework to build innovation processes, governance, and plans.

· Helps to develop and maintain University Health Board status.

The full document can be viewed and downloaded here:

A website including more details on the pathway will be launched shortly, and we will ensure that we share the website with you all.

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