Dementia Action Week 2023: Let’s talk about dementia
Do you recognise the signs of dementia?
If you want to know the signs of dementia, or are worried that your symptoms could be signs of dementia, the Alzheimer’s Society has created a useful checklist to help describe your symptoms to a GP or health professional.
Talking about memory problems with a GP can be difficult, but it’s important to make sure you get the right support.
If someone you know is having problems with their memory, talking about it can help them get support. If these problems are affecting their everyday life, you should encourage them to see a GP.
For help and support
Call the Alzheimer’s Society on 0333 150 3456 or 03300 947 400 (Welsh) for advice and support

Our Priorities

We want every child in Cardiff and Vale to have the opportunity to thrive. Our work focuses on children in vulnerable situations and the services that support them.

We know how hard it can be to find help when people need it the most. We want to make sure there is community support to help people stay as healthy as possible so they can carry on doing the things that matter most to them.

As a Partnership we have worked together with people with a learning disability, their families, carers and the third and independent sector to produce a clear direction for the planning and delivery of adult learning disability services across the region over the next five years.