Providing up to date information about health and wellbeing in Cardiff and Vale

Find out how Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board are building a database to share information and shine a light on what is happening across our region.

What is the Cardiff and Vale Regional Information Sharing Site?

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Information Sharing Site (RISS) is an online resource that brings together key, anonymised data from the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff Council, Vale of Glamorgan Council and third sector partners. One of its key purposes is to provide data-driven insights into the local health and social care ‘system’ to support planning and decision-making.

There are four components to the RISS:

  • Population profiles: Key data and published reports relating to the characteristics and needs of our local population and care market.
  • Journeys through health and social care: Explorations into those who enter our local health and social care system, the nature of this demand and usage, and impact of local change initiatives.
  • Regional Outcomes Framework (ROF): The eight regionally agreed outcomes and corresponding indicators as a way of understanding and evidencing the impact of the local health and social care system on the wellbeing of our population.
  • Whole System ‘Viewers’/Dashboards: Currently under development, this section will hold the whole system dashboards or ‘viewers’ of interest to the RPB. This will include viewers that track and help evidence the impact of new initiatives against the status quo. 

How can I access the RISS?

The RISS and the anonymised data that sits behind it is held on a password protected website to enable quick, easy and safe access. If you have an interest in improving the health and wellbeing of local citizens in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, , please contact: [email protected]

Who do I contact with any questions or concerns?

We would love to hear how you are using the RISS. If you have any feedback, queries or concerns, please let us know by emailing the RPB team: [email protected].

“This platform gives a unique insight into patient’s journey and outcome through health and care systems .  From an organisational perspective, the ability to understand the patients journey through various systems not only informs where we can support change but also how we can measure the impact of that change both to our organisation and to the wider system.”

Ben Scott
Improvement Lead For Falls
Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

About the ROF

The Cardiff and Vale ROF sets out the key goal, principles and values, strategic aims and eight outcomes of the Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board.


Increasing time for people to live their lives

This System Level Outcome is about understanding and avoiding the time that the system wastes for citizens. It includes delays for receiving support, making people go through unnecessary hoops and generally leaving them too long in limbo, for example waiting to be discharged from care back to their own homes.


Increased living well in their own home and community

This System Level Outcome is about understanding and ensuring citizens are able to spend as much of their lives well and at home, or at least living in the community rather in institutions, and as independently as possible. It covers general health, safety, security and positive relationships with family and friends. People are healthy, stay well, make positive choices easily, and remain connected. It’s also about the amount of the citizens lives that they are living in their normal home and in their normal community. It includes, for example, ‘admission avoidance’, supporting people to gain or regain daily living skills lost from ill-health and also, that when support is provided, it can be local to the citizen as much as possible. In their last 1000 days, people have the best end to their life.

Note that this System Level Outcome could also cover ensuring that the environment
in which Citizens live their lives is the best that it can be. Environment incudes the
physical environment for mental and physical well-being, but also the
infrastructure of care and support in which people can interact.


Improved environment that enables people’s choices

This System Level Outcome is about ensuring that citizens know and understand what care, support and opportunities are available and act on those choices to help themselves achieve well-being. It includes making it easier for citizens to get information about their problems and the support options available to them, including the assets in the local community (and ensuring there are assets in the local community).
Citizens can then choose easily and can act upon those choices.
This also implies an increased prioritisation of prevention,
early intervention, planned support and a reduction in
reactive support


More empowered workforce

This System Level Outcome is about ensuring that citizens and their families receive more excellent care and support from staff who are more fully trained and more engaged. It includes the right facilities, tools to do the job, staffing levels, leadership and (joined up) integration of services, a simple system, common concepts on risk, ‘dissolving service boundaries and developing a culture and values that span professional and organisational boundaries’. There is also an aspect of the capability of the workforce, and increased authorisation levels (to reduce delays due to escalated / remote decision making) – “We trust and enable staff to do the right things at the right time and pace for people, to make ‘it’ better.”


A better start for children & young people

This System Level Outcome is about Cardiff & Vale being better places for children and young people (and their families) to grow up and live, including emotional, health and environmental well-being and safety. It includes the ‘First 1000 days’. The focus is addressing those most vulnerable, those with complex needs, with disabilities and those at most risk. The aim includes reducing the numbers of children not in education, children in the criminal justice system, children not living with their usual family or permanent attachments.


People get a safe response when in urgent need

This System Level Outcome is about being responsive to citizens when they need support, including crises ‘around the clock’. It includes decreasing delays to the provision of support, decreasing the frequency of adverse events that require emergency interventions and quicker decision making – at the right time and pace for the needs of the citizen.


Decreased avoidable harm or mortality

This System Level Outcome is about preventing the ‘system’ causing harm to citizens. The focus is on preventing or reducing physical and mental harms that can be experienced by patients/citizens.


Reduced wasted system resource

This System Level Outcome is about ensuring that the resources of the system are used efficiently by reducing or eliminating any unnecessary work, including avoiding taking citizens along unnecessary pathways, eliminating the causes of rework and duplication in the system, such as mistakes, lost information, repeating procedures already undertaken by other providers, avoidable readmissions / return for the same service, or involving citizens in processes that give them no benefit.

Our Priorities


We want every child in Cardiff and Vale to have the opportunity to thrive. Our work focuses on children in vulnerable situations and the services that support them.


We know how hard it can be to find help when people need it the most. We want to make sure there is community support to help people stay as healthy as possible so they can carry on doing the things that matter most to them.


As a Partnership we have worked together with people with a learning disability, their families, carers and the third and independent sector to produce a clear direction for the planning and delivery of adult learning disability services across the region over the next five years.

Case Studies

Alison Law 

   Improvement and Development Manager, Joint Commissioning 

  • Project management across the partnership to enable the alignment and joint commissioning of services, which includes shaping the market, regional commissioning strategies, contracting and quality assurance.
  • Programme manager for ICF Capital fund 

Meredith Gardiner 

Job Title

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