What is Innovation?

Innovation can sometimes seem like an intimidating and inaccessible term, but at it’s simplest, innovation means the creation and implementation of new ideas, methods, products and ways of working. Anyone can innovate!

Spreading Good Practice

Smart Technology

The Hub helped show proof of concept, enable the development of a solution and spread the concept. Innovate Trust have reported that RIC Hub support has not only enabled them to achieve the above but it has evidenced their approach, aided them in demonstrating the project more widely (including a ministerial visit), helped to improve the quality of, increase knowledge, awareness and understanding in and increase confidence in the service. All of which provide better outcomes for patients and the workforce.

Innovate Trust can proceed to the next stage of the project which will be to move on to a property where the technology used best suits the individual needs to continue expanding their skills and knowledge and support their health and wellbeing in their new residence.  

The Hub supported Innovate Trust and Vale of Glamorgan Council in a pilot focussing on a person-centred approach to care alongside an innovative application of smart technology in supported living.

This work has provided a foundation and starting point for supporting adults with disabilities and complex needs, transitioning from school or college into the community, to move into a Smart Home property on a short-term tenancy where they will be assessed and supported to use mainstream technology to benefit and help promote independence in their daily lives.

“We appreciate the support given to us as an organisation working to drive forward opportunities for people with disabilities to be better digitally included and gain greater from the use and benefits of mainstream technologies.” 

Ashley Bale – Innovate Trust – Digital Innovations Manager​

RIC Hub Guides

What Is Innovation?

When you think of innovation a number of things might come to mind, like technology, sci-fi and Steve Jobs. You might think that innovation is done by specialists, entrepreneurs and scientists. But at its simplest, innovation is the creation and implementation of new ideas, methods, products or ways of working.


Innovation and The Future

In this newsletter, the Hub answers the question ‘What is innovation?’ and shares the latest on smart technology and how it can be used in our health and social care system.

The Hub has pulled together resources, regional assets and examples of local innovations to help you take your innovative ideas forward.


The Health Technology Centre (HTC)

This report summarises the health and social care research, innovation and improvement landscape across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. It provides an evidence base for future priorities and contains a wealth of information about assets in the region which can be utilised in a drive for innovation.  

Full Report


RIC Hub Summary

Our Priorities


We want every child in Cardiff and Vale to have the opportunity to thrive. Our work focuses on children in vulnerable situations and the services that support them.


We know how hard it can be to find help when people need it the most. We want to make sure there is community support to help people stay as healthy as possible so they can carry on doing the things that matter most to them.


As a Partnership we have worked together with people with a learning disability, their families, carers and the third and independent sector to produce a clear direction for the planning and delivery of adult learning disability services across the region over the next five years.

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