
If the global health and care sector were a country it would be fifth largest emitter of carbon (C02e), highlighting the urgent need to develop more sustainable ways of working across the sector!

Spreading Good Practice

Making Healthcare More Sustainable

Did you know nitrous oxide has more than 265 times the global warming potential than CO2?

The Nitrous Oxide Project has led to a huge reduction in nitrous oxide use in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. The Health Board has projected savings of 1.15m litres per year – that’s an equivalent to 679 tonnes of CO2.

The Hub worked with the team post pilot to showcase their story so it can be spread and adopted across Wales and beyond.

RIC Hub Guides

Circular Economy

In 2021, Welsh Government announced its plan to make the circular economy in Wales a reality in the Beyond Recycling strategy. But what exactly is the circular economy, what are the benefits and enablers, and what are the challenges we might face when moving to this way of working?


The Hub has collated a number of good practice examples, a guide to the circular economy, an update on social prescribing and information on the Bevan Commission’s Let’s Not Waste programme, to accelerate the adoption of sustainable solutions and ways of working.

Our Priorities


We want every child in Cardiff and Vale to have the opportunity to thrive. Our work focuses on children in vulnerable situations and the services that support them.


We know how hard it can be to find help when people need it the most. We want to make sure there is community support to help people stay as healthy as possible so they can carry on doing the things that matter most to them.


As a Partnership we have worked together with people with a learning disability, their families, carers and the third and independent sector to produce a clear direction for the planning and delivery of adult learning disability services across the region over the next five years.

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