Workforce, digital transformation and partnership working
The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board works closely together to improve your experience of health, care and support services.
As the @Home programme develops and we create more multidisciplinary teams that include staff from across different organisations and professions we will need to work even more closely together over the years ahead in order to achieve this ambitious agenda.
Our aim is for you to benefit from the advantages that partnership brings to improving health, care, and support services across Cardiff and the Vale and for you to feel that your care is seamlessly provided by the NHS, your local council, and any other providers working closely together. We want you to only have to tell us something once for that to be understood by health and care professionals regardless of which organisation they are directly employed by.
Digital Transformation
To achieve our aims across the @Home programme we need to invest our digital technology, which will help ensure that information about your care is able to be accessed by the relevant professionals simply and easily, while also protecting ensuring that your personal data.
There are many different digital transformation initiatives that are taking place across the NHS, local councils and third sector providers which will help contribute towards the aims and objectives of the @Home programme. Some examples of these include:
The National Data Resource (NDR) is a major all-Wales project being led by Digital Health and Care Wales that will help transform health and care through more connected and collaborative use of data. The NDR will enable health and care professionals to have access to the right data and tools, at the right time, to make well informed decisions.
The Digital Health & Care Record will use the NDR to create a single ‘master’ record for patients, that can be used across care settings to minimise duplication, make relevant information available when required and help reduce slow, paper-based transfer of information.
The Digital Care Region is a way of bringing the NHS, local authorities, and care providers together to support informed care and ensure that relevant and agreed information is available to health and care professionals across organisational boundaries within Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Pilot projects have already been run to connect information across organisations in the region, including the successful connection of IT and care records between the NHS and Cardiff Council for looked after children in Cardiff.
Technologically Enabled Care (TEC) is a way of using technology to support you to live in your own homes for longer, supporting your health and wellbeing outcomes, to complement or negate your need for care, and offer preventative solutions to care provision. TEC could include the use of technology as a safety device, a tool for prompting you to take your medication, a way of analysing your activity, or supporting you with responding to hearing or sight loss.
Shared Workforce
No health, care or support service could be delivered without the right people, with the right skills, working in the right place at the right time. The workforce is therefore of critical importance to delivering the aims and ambition of the @Home programme and bringing your care as close to home as possible.
As services are reconfigured across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan through the @Home programme, there will be changes to how staff from across different organisations work together in support of your care. In the future, regardless of the organisation that professional in your care works for, they will work with colleagues from different teams, professions, and organisations from across the partnership to ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your care.
Although lots of the changes in creating a shared workforce will take place behind the scenes, one of the changes that will most directly impact your care is the creation of a series of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), which will bring professionals and other staff from across the NHS, local councils, and third sector together, so that they can work more effectively across organisational boundaries.
MDTs will support your access into services, through your local primary care cluster, in hospital, and in supporting short-term reablement and helping you back into home or the community after a stay in hospital. MDTs will contribute to better communication between professionals, improved referrals between services, and more effective discharges from hospital. They will also help to improve health and care professionals knowledge of the range of services that are available right across the region and support improving understanding of the needs of the local population.
Our Priorities

We want every child in Cardiff and Vale to have the opportunity to thrive. Our work focuses on children in vulnerable situations and the services that support them.

We know how hard it can be to find help when people need it the most. We want to make sure there is community support to help people stay as healthy as possible so they can carry on doing the things that matter most to them.

As a Partnership we have worked together with people with a learning disability, their families, carers and the third and independent sector to produce a clear direction for the planning and delivery of adult learning disability services across the region over the next five years.